
  • BASE PRICE: $500.00 
Rate: $1.50-$2.00/SqIn 

    What’s included: The base price is the starting price for all commissions on stretched canvas. This price includes a $500.00 non-refundable installment fee which reserves my next available date for commission completion and is structured to cover the time invested in designing your custom painting. An estimated shipping fee is calculated at checkout, however, each commission is different and may result in additional shipping fees. 

    What’s not included: The base price does NOT include additional costs incurred due to canvas size (based on square-inch rate), design complexity, additional concept revisions, change orders, framing and/or shipping charges.
If we expect your project is subject to any additional charges outside the base price, an estimate will be provided and written consent is required prior to proceeding.


    Base Price $600 (4ft and under)
    Base Price $1100 (8ft and under)


    Base Price $700 (4ft and under)
    Base Price $1400 (8ft and under)

    Shipping calculated at checkout.

    What’s included: The base price is the starting price for all surfboard commissions. This price includes a $500.00 non-refundable installment fee which reserves your production timeline on my production schedule. The price is structured to cover the time invested in designing your custom surfboard painting. An estimated shipping fee is calculated at checkout, however, each commission is different and may result in additional shipping fees based on board size and your location.

    What’s not included: The base price does NOT include additional costs incurred due to extra large board length (over 8ft), design complexity, additional concept revisions, change orders and/or shipping charges.

If your project is subject to any additional charges outside the base price, an estimate will be provided and written consent is required prior to proceeding.

     The surfboard itself is recycled and retired from Floridas local surf-enthusiast. I only use the best materials and paints for my art pieces.

    A custom surfboard is such a unique art piece. Real show stopper and will truly enhance your space. While every surfboard painting is sealed for protection against brief exposure to the elements, I cannot guarantee its integrity after long-term outdoor exposure. Take special consideration if your choose to hang your piece in a covered outdoor area.

  • COMMISSION DETAILS: After you place your order, please email me with all the details about what you would like painted. (Send email to: 

    Commission start date:  Depends on my travel schedule and other projects already in the works. I am typically booked an average of 4-6 weeks in advance. 

    Since every surfboard is considered retired or no-longer useable, I take great care and time to properly patch and repair any damages before any painting Begins. These repairs are for aesthetic appeal and hanging purposes only and will not return the surfboard to useable condition. A surfboard commission takes approx. 2 weeks.  (I can accommodate rush-requests for an additional fee).    

    Once all of your information is received, I will create a sketch and email it to you for your input or approval.  Your price includes up to 2 sets of sketch changes.  I typically nail it on the first go.

    Keep in mind:  I paint in my own style, and I will not duplicate (copy) anyone else's art.  However, I am happy to take your desired theme/subject and apply my own spin to it. 

    If you have any questions please contact me at  

  • *SHIPPING: I personally package every original painting to ensure your fine-art surfboard / painting will be thoroughly protected during transport to you. Delivery will be made to your door.  The shipping charged will be formulated once I have the final board dimensions.  With original paintings, it's difficult to determine actual shipping costs until after we have it packaged up and ready to go.  

    *COPYRIGHTS:  Please note that Michelle Ann Delisle  retains ownership to the copyrights to all of her original paintings.  Commercial duplication of my art must be licensed by Michelle in a formal Licensing Agreement.  However, feel free to share photos of your commissioned painting online, via social media, in non-commercial usage, anytime!